It is a single type with a replaceable gas mask G-7-06 type (Koken)
absorption can on the front.
It weighs only 112g even with the absorption canister attached, making it easy to use for painting work and construction sites.
Adopting a double bonnet structure that protects the important exhaust valves with a focus on airtightness. Developed for the purpose of preventing harmful substances from entering from the exhaust valve and improving downward visibility. Considering workability, use a lightweight canister.
Adopts a free position underchin face piece (silicone) with high adhesion, and a tightening string that makes it easy to adjust the length for an easy fit.
There are many variations of canisters. The color (type) of the canister is easy to recognize, and replacement is easy.
The canister can be easily installed by simply pressing it into place.
Model name Saka-i G-7-06 type
National test pass No. TN266 
Respirator Koken G-7, Koken Gas mask G-7, koken Sakai type G-7-06, Masker Koken g-7 masker pernapasan